CIANJUR - The police have named five members of the BPPKB mass organization as suspects in causing the death of members of the Pemuda Pancasila mass organization in clashes at the Cianjur-Sukabumi border, West Java, and officers are still hunting for two other perpetrators.

"The suspect in the case of clashes between the two mass organizations on Jalan Raya Cianjur-Sukabumi, to be precise in Gekbrong District, increased from four to five," said Cianjur Police Chief, AKBP Doni Hermawan, in Cianjur, West Java, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, September 28.

The five members of the mass organizations that have been designated as suspects, each with a different role, four people slashed the victim and another suspect beat the victim using their bare hands and using bamboo.

The police have asked for information from seven witnesses and finally named five people as suspects and two people are still being chased. Officers have confiscated a number of items of evidence ranging from sharp weapons to bamboo used to kill the victim.

"The victim's body has been autopsied and just waiting for the results. Even after the autopsy the victim's body has been buried by the family in Sukabumi. For further investigation, we are coordinating with the Sukabumi Police," he said.

The five perpetrators, he added, will be charged with Article 170 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 12 years in prison, and Article 351 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 7 years in prison and Article 2 paragraph 1 of the Emergency Law with a threat of a minimum of 10 years. Previously the police arrested the four perpetrators who caused the death of members of mass organizations involved in clashes on the Cianjur-Sukabumi border, the suspect was a member of the mass organization BPPKB who was secured in a number of different locations.

Kasatreskrim Cianjur Police AKP Anton in Cianjur, said the four suspects who were members of the BPPKB Ormas were arrested several hours after the clashes that left a member of the Pemuda Pancasila organization dead.

The suspect was proven to have abused the victim, ranging from ganging up to stabbing with a sharp weapon which caused the victim to die. The victim died with many wounds all over his body

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