JAKARTA - Deputy Head of the Semarang Polrestabes Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Agus Supriyadi, admitted that he accompanied former KPK investigator Stepanus Robin Pattuju to meet with Azis Syamsuddin at his home.

"So it was in February 2020, April 2020, and May 2020," said Agus Supriyadi at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, September 27, as quoted from Antara.

Agus Supriyadi became a witness for Stepanus Robin Pattuju and advocate Maskur Husain who were charged with receiving a total of Rp11.5 billion from handling five cases at the KPK. At that time Agus was still on duty at the Cyber Crime Directorate at the Central Java Police. Meanwhile, Robin has become a KPK investigator.

"The first meeting was at the residence on Denpasar Street, for the second and third meetings at the residence on Hang Tuah Street," continued Agus.

During the meeting, Agus admitted that he only introduced Robin to Azis.

"He (Azis) asked about my condition, then my work. I said that I went to Jakarta because there was an examination of witnesses, then he asked 'What's his name?' I said 'The person concerned works at the KPK'. It takes no longer than 5-10 minutes. After that, the meeting on Hang Tuah Street was the same, because at that time I also visited my child who was at boarding school," explained Agus.

Agus also said that Robin called Azis Syamsuddin as "foster father". During the meeting, Agus said that Azis Syamsuddin had taken the initiative to ask for Robin's cell phone number.

"At that time, Mr. Azis and Robin exchanged 'mobile phone' numbers, Mr. Azis asked first but for what purpose I do not know," added Agus.

However, Agus admitted that he did not know that Azis and Robin had another meeting related to the case.

"Both of them have never told me about other meetings," said Agus.

"But in the Police investigation report did you explain the possibility of a meeting about the case at the KPK?" said public prosecutor Wahyu Dwi Oktavianto.

"In the Police investigation report, you said 'The initiative to meet Azis and Robin was my own initiative, indeed in February 2019 when I met Azis at his house in Hang Tuah, Azis Syamsuddin once asked me 'Are there any friends at the KPK?' I said, 'There is a friend of mine in the KPK. In my understanding, Azis Syamsuddin asked a friend of the 'letting' of the KPK, Azis Syamsuddin, maybe he wants to know someone from the KPK related to the case at the KPK, but Azis Syamsuddin did not convey what case.' This is your understanding correct?" asked the prosecutor.

"Yes," replied Agus.

In this case, Stepanus Robin Pattuju and Maskur Husain were accused of receiving from M Syahrial an amount of Rp1,695 billion, Azis Syamsudin and Aliza Gunado of Rp3,099,887,000 and 36 thousand US dollars, Ajay Muhammad Priatna an amount of Rp507.39 million, Usman Effendi a total of RpRp525 million, and Rita Widyasari Rp5,197,800,000, bringing the total bribe to Rp11.5 billion.

M. Syahrial is an inactive Tanjungbalai Mayor; Azis Syamsudin is the Deputy Speaker of the DPR from the Golkar Party faction; Aliza Gunado is a Golkar cadre who has served as the former Deputy Chairperson of the PP Youth Forces of the Golkar Party (AMPG); Ajay Muhammad Priatna is the inactive Mayor of Cimahi; Usman Effendi is the Director of PT. Tenjo Jaya who is also a prisoner in the corruption case of land use rights in Tenjojaya District, Sukabumi, West Java; and Rita Wisyasari is the former Regent of Kutai Kartanegara.

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