JAKARTA - Celebrity Aldi Taher said that his mother had returned home after previously being hospitalized due to a stroke and lung infection.

However, Aldi said that until now his mother had not been able to swallow food, so she had to undergo therapy.

"Now it's been a month at home. Anyway, bismillah pray. Yes, now therapy is slowly, because the hose can't be removed. It can't be turned off yet. So you have to be treated," said Aldi Taher in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, July 2.

Seeing his mother's condition, Aldi Taher could not deny that he was not focused on work. But he tried to keep his spirits up.

"Honestly, concentration breaks, yes. But you have to keep the spirit up. The spirit for our mother can't... Yes, but if we say nothing has happened, it's a lie too, yes, it's more like a thought," said Aldi Taher.

Dewi Perssik's ex-husband also said that he still had to be professional at work when his mother's condition was seriously ill.

Not without reason, Aldi inevitably had to keep working because he needed money to treat his mother's illness.

"How about it, like yesterday singing out of town, I didn't think about it. I just have to be professional, right, excited, because we are also working for mother's treatment, for mother's recovery, we have to keep the spirit," he said.

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