JAKARTA - DKI DPRD Commission E member Rani Mauliani admitted that she did not know about the findings of the COVID-19 cluster at 25 schools in Jakarta by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

As far as Rani knows, there are currently 6 schools that have been found to have COVID-19 cases. This data was obtained from the DKI Education Office's report on the results of the limited face-to-face learning evaluation (PTM) as of Wednesday, September 22.

"The information obtained from the evaluation of Limited PTM in DKI Jakarta as of September 22, 2021, is that 6 schools have found positive cases," Rani said when contacted, Thursday, September 23.

Of the 6 schools that found positive cases, only 1 school with tracing results, there were 2 positive students and 5 other schools all tracing results showed negative results.

In addition, Rani said, there was one school that was found to have violated health protocols. As a result, the 7 schools were temporarily closed.

Therefore, related to the findings of 25 COVID-19 clusters, Rani asked the DKI Provincial Government to immediately investigate the truth.

"So the data for the 25 clusters needs to be investigated. We hope that there must be transparency in every case in schools because this involves the lives of children," said Rani.

"But we also have to have a good attitude towards the Education Office, which can't be careless in this matter because it's definitely related to maintaining credibility," he continued.

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