JAKARTA - The Facebook account @SeblakGerasi recently made a scene by uploading a 7-minute video. In a statement, this account states that a perverted couple with a tight condition was raided by residents.

In the medical world, Gancet is called the penis captivus or a manifestation of the vaginismus disorder. In layman's terms, Gancet refers to the condition of the male sex organs being stuck in the vagina during intercourse.

In the upload, it is also mentioned, lovers are hooked because of the punishment.


Is it true that this video of the Gancet lovers?

Reporting from turnbackhoax, Monday, September 13, the video is a setting or engineering.

In fact, the original video comes from GUS IDRIS OFFICIAL's youtube channel which was uploaded on 5 September 2021 with the title "AZAB BERZINA PASANGAN INI GANCET || K3L4MINY4 GAK BISA LEPAS” (THE TORMENT OF ADULTERY THIS COUPLE IS GANCET || GENDER CAN'T LEAVE) which lasts 50 minutes 25 seconds. In the description of the video on the youtube channel, there is a disclaimer that the incident is just an illustration for educational purposes.

"Disclaimer, the material in this video is made for educational and entertainment purposes only. This story is only fiction prophesied in visual form. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places, or stories, it is just a coincidence and there is no intentional element", wrote the account.

This youtube channel also advises that every print and electronic media must include the link and or the name of the OFFICIAL GUS IDRIS channel on every container that will be used for the copyright of GUS IDRIS OFFICIAL.

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