JAKARTA - A twin-engine L-410 Turbolet propeller plane crashed in the Irkutsk region of Siberia, Russia, killing a number of people in an accident on Sunday local time.

"According to preliminary data, an L-410 aircraft flying from Irkutsk to Kazachinskoye made a rough landing four kilometers southwest of the Kazachinskoye settlement. There were 16 people on board, including two crew members", a source told TASS as quoted Monday, September 13.

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the East Siberian transport prosecutor's office said the crash occurred while the plane was making its second approach to landing.

"When the plane made its first attempt to land, something went wrong. The plane started making a second approach and made an emergency landing", the spokesman said.

The plane caught fire on landing, fell into the taiga, and disintegrated. Several people were injured. Some managed to get off the plane. The rescue team is heading to the crash site, which is operated by the OOO Aero service.

Meanwhile, Russia's Emergencies Ministry confirmed the accident, which occurred at 18:15 p.m. Moscow time. The ministry said, according to preliminary data there were 14 passengers and two crew onboard the plane.

Citing Reuters, the ministry said four people died in the crash. The law enforcement agency Investigative Committee said the plane flying from the city of Irkutsk descended 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) from its destination, the village of Kazachinkoye.

According to initial reports by local emergency services, there was an equipment failure, which the crew reported before making a hard landing, the Interfax news agency reported.

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