JAVA - Central Java Police will take firm action against companies whose waste pollutes the Bengawan Solo River. Lately, there has been a lot of news about the 'invasion' of liquor waste (traditional drinks, Ciu, ed) to the death of fish.

The Central Java Police will coordinate with the Environment and Forestry Service (DLHK) to obtain data on companies that have so far ignored the administrative sanctions imposed.

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Iqbal Alqidusy, said that his party would immediately conduct an investigation into the company. If proven, firm action will be taken against the company whose waste pollutes the Bengawan Solo River.

In addition, Iqbal also said that if the company is still found to be dumping, it can be subject to Article 114 of Law (UU) RI No. 32/2009 on Environmental Protection and Management.

"We will coordinate with DLHK, and we will also collect data again on companies that take things like this lightly," said Iqbal in Solo, Antara, Thursday, September 9.

Iqbal explained in Article 114 of the PPLH Law that any person in charge of a business or activity that does not carry out government coercion will be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of one year and a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion.

"In the case of waste polluting Bengawan Solo, the Central Java Police are conducting an investigation. We will report the results to the media," he said.

Iqbal also appealed to all companies in the Solo area not to dispose of waste in the Bengawan Solo River. After there is a bright spot from the results of the investigation, firm action will be taken by the owner of the company.

Previously, the Solo Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) temporarily suspended clean water treatment at the Semanggi Post, Kliwon Market due to waste found in the Bengawan Solo River.

According to the President Director of PDAM Solo, Agustan, starting at 06.00 WIB last Tuesday, PDAM Solo stopped drawing water from the Bengawan Solo River due to the emergence of the waste.

Agustan said that his party had made observations, he hoped that they would be able to reprocess it. Regarding the emergence of waste, he said, came from the Samin River.

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