MEDAN - Police arrested Deni Kardian (24) a dealer of counterfeit money in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. He is suspected of printing counterfeit money at the sub-district office.
"It's true (Deni was arrested)", said Deli Serdang Police Chief, Kombes Yemi Mandagi, Monday, September 6.
Yemi said Deni's arrest began with residents reporting the circulation of counterfeit money in the Bangun Purba sub-district, Deli Serdang.
Based on the resident's report, the police conducted an investigation. The police then arrested the perpetrator with evidence of counterfeit money that he had spent.
"A counterfeit banknote of IDR 50,000 was found which was kept by his friend, Lanang. Previously, Deni had made a transaction using counterfeit banknotes of IDR 50,000 and Lanang had secured the note so that it would no longer be circulated in the community", Yemi explained.
Yemi said the suspect printed counterfeit money with a printer. From the suspect's hands, counterfeit money and a printer used to print money were secured.
Meanwhile, the sub-district head of Bangun Purba, Raden Luxury Ristanto, said that Deni was the night watchman at the sub-district office. Deni is suspected of printing counterfeit money at the sub-district office at night.
"Yes, print it at the sub-district office. He is a night watchman", said Raden.
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