JAKARTA - Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Wisnu Wardana, said that from the MSA statement, the victim of alleged bullying and sexual harassment in the KPI environment was still traumatized.

"Until yesterday (the victim) was still experiencing trauma, according to his statement (the victim of MSA). He had consulted a psychologist," said Kasat to VOI, Thursday, August 2, evening.

Regarding the psychological condition of MSA victims, the police will conduct further investigation.

"We are deepening again, other summoning problems," he said.

Meanwhile, Commissioner of the Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) Nuning Rodiah said, KPI strictly does not tolerate perpetrators of sexual violence and bullying. KPI has formed an internal investigation team to deepen the information on the parties written by MSA.

"We have summoned 7 of the 8 people suspected of being perpetrators of sexual violence as written by MSA in an open letter," said Nuning to VOI at the Central Jakarta Police Headquarters, Thursday, August 2, evening.

KPI said it would continue to provide legal assistance to MSA.

"If it is later proven that there have been acts of sexual violence and bullying, KPI and all leaders are committed to taking firm action against perpetrators of sexual harassment and bullying," he said.

Previously, this article regarding the sexual harassment and bullying experienced by MS went viral on social media. In that article, MS admitted that he had received bullying and sexual harassment by his co-workers since he worked at KPI in 2011.

"In 2015, they violently held my head, hands, feet, stripped me, pinned me, abused me by scribbling on my testicles using markers. This incident traumatized me and lost emotional stability," wrote MS.

He had twice tried to report the incident to the Gambir Police, but the police did not take it seriously.

MS lawyer Mualimin Wadah confirmed that the article about MS's story which is now viral on social media is true.

The article was written by him as MS's legal adviser. However, this article was written based on a direct story from MS and with the approval of MS.

"So it was not MS who wrote it directly, but based on his information and approval," said Mualimin when contacted, Thursday, August 2.

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