JAKARTA - China's State Counselor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, said the international community must help and positively guide the Taliban, in a telephone call with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

30, Washington should work with the international community to provide economic and humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, help the new regime carry out normal government functions, maintain social stability, and stop the currency from depreciating and the cost of living rising, Wang said, according to Reuters. a statement.

"While respecting Afghanistan's sovereignty, the US should take concrete action to help Afghanistan fight terrorism and stop violence, rather than playing double standards or fighting terrorism selectively," Wang said, warning that a "hurried withdrawal" could allow terrorist groups to "regroup." and come back stronger."

China's state TV said the call was made at Washington's invitation. Meanwhile, the State Department did not immediately respond to a request for details of the call.

Prior to the chaos of the past two weeks, US officials argued that withdrawing from Afghanistan would free up time and attention from senior US political and military leaders, as well as some military assets, to focus on the Indo-Pacific and the challenges posed by China, which the administration has declared. Biden as his foreign policy priority.

Situation outside Kabul airport, Afghanistan. (Wikimedia Commons/VOA)

Meanwhile, China has not officially recognized the Taliban as Afghanistan's new rulers, but Wang Yi last month hosted Mullah Baradar, the head of the group's political office, and said the world should guide and support the country as it transitions to a new government, instead of putting more pressure on it. on.

Foreign Minister Wang previously told Foreign Minister Blinken in a telephone call on August 16 that the hasty withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan had serious negative repercussions, but pledged to work with Washington to promote stability in the country.

However, Wang said Washington cannot expect China's cooperation if at the same time it seeks to contain and pressure China and undermine China's legitimate rights and interests, Chinese state media reported at the time of an earlier phone call.

The two diplomats also discussed US-China relations on Sunday, according to a China statement. Wang said recent communications between the two countries on Afghanistan and climate change show that dialogue and cooperation are better than confrontation, he said.

"China will consider how to engage with the US side based on the US attitude towards China," Wang Yi said.

Separately, the Taliban will allow all foreign nationals and Afghan nationals with travel permits from other countries to leave Afghanistan, according to a joint statement issued by Britain, the United States, and other countries.

"We have received assurances from the Taliban that all foreign nationals and any Afghan national with a travel permit from our country will be allowed to proceed in a safe and orderly manner to the point of departure and travel abroad," they said in the statement.

The statement said the countries, which also include Australia, Japan, France, Spain, and many others, would continue to issue designated travel documents to Afghanistan.

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