JAKARTA - The police are still investigating the alleged murder case by a man with the initials MAK (21) against his own father and older brother in West Medan District, Medan City, North Sumatra.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Medan Police, Commissioner Adjutant Prastyo, said that his party had arrested the perpetrators along with evidence in the form of two knives.

"It is suspected that the evidence was used by the perpetrators to kill his father with the initials S and his own brother, the initials R. The case is still being investigated to determine the motive for this murder," he said when confirmed in Medan, reported by Antara, Sunday, August 29.

The murder took place on Saturday, August 28 at around 19.05 local time. It is suspected that there was an argument between the suspect and the victim.

​​​​The perpetrator carried out a brutal act that caused his father and siblings to suffer serious injuries.

"Currently, the bodies of the two victims have been taken to the Bhayangkara Hospital in Medan for post-mortem," he said.

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