DEPOK – For three days he was held captive and tortured at the Margo Hotel, Depok, Handiyana Sihombing (44) admitted that he was traumatized. This businessman from Depok, West Java admitted to the police that his safety was not guaranteed even though he managed to escape from captivity.

"I am still traumatized, my wife is the same. I also feel that my safety is not guaranteed at this time. I have not dared to go home until now," Handiyana said, quoting Antara, Saturday, August 28.

To the Depok Metro Police, Handiyana admitted that she had been held captive at the Margo Hotel from Wednesday, August 25 to Friday, August 27. At that time Handiyana felt her patience had run out. Friday 27 August 2021 afternoon, he screamed for help from inside a locked hotel room.

Handiyana's shout prompted the hotel security to intervene and report this violent confinement incident to the Depok Metro Police. Handiyana admitted that she experienced physical and mental violence during the detention process carried out by the perpetrator.

Handiyana suspects that this action was carried out by the company where Handiyana works who serves as the president director.

He admitted that he was held captive for three days by the company's officers to surrender all of his assets, because he was considered to have embezzled the company's money while he was working.

Handiyana admitted that he was appointed as the main director of the company on July 6, 2021, which is valid for the next 5 years.

The owner of the company also gives ownership of shares in the company. However, Handiyana objected to being accused of embezzling company money.

"It's like embezzling company money. If there is a loss, there should be a financial audit basis first, but this doesn't exist. Everything is based on accusations," he said.

Handiyana admitted that he was pressured to sign a statement that he had embezzled the company's money.

"I was threatened and beaten into confessing and finally signed it," he said.

Handiyana said that all of his wealth and assets had been handed over to him, even the house he had occupied for a long time in the Kalimulya area, Depok, was also willing to be taken by them. He admitted that he had submitted everything, but he said it was still lacking.

“I was pressured to sign an acknowledgment of embezzlement of money, even my parents' house in the village was also visited by them to give up the assets I had.”

Handiyana reported the persecution and confinement he experienced with the report number LP/BP/1666/VIII/SPKT/2021/Polres Metro Depok/Polda Metro Jaya dated August 27, 2021.

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