KENDARI - The Mayor of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, H Sulkarnain Kadir, uses an electric car as an official (operational) vehicle in carrying out his daily duties.

"We launched the use of electric cars in Kendari in May 2021. So today, we have used the electric car as an operational vehicle", said Sulkarnain Kadir, while reviewing vaccinations at the Brothers Kendari Junior High School, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 25.

The mayor said that for now the electric car is only used by him, later after the number of electric cars increases, the head of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) will also use it.

"We are just testing it first, later when we are familiar with it, we will gradually all OPD heads use electric cars. Because this car is not widely available in Indonesia", he said.

He said electric vehicles are future vehicles that are environmentally friendly so that they can make the earth healthier and free from air pollution.

"So this is the reason why Kendari City took the initiative to become a locomotive to introduce electric vehicles to the public", said Sulkarnain.

The mayor also said the use of electric cars is more economical because it does not use fossil fuels that can harm the environment.

"It is very economical because there is no fuel, there is no more routine maintenance and this will be very economical for budget financing in the region", he said.

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