JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Democratic Party of Struggle, Willy Aditya, said that the meeting between President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his coalition parties is expected to discuss a number of issues, including the discourse on the limited amendment to the 1945 Constitution.

"After the president's own speech at the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI) session yesterday, maybe there are some that may need to be explored with each other because the media is still responding. Of course, this needs to be explored, my language is more unanimous, specifically regarding amendments to the Constitution, there is a point -the main direction of the state", Willy told reporters, Wednesday, August 25.

"That's what Mr. Bambang Soesatyo as chairman of the MPR read and the President responded to. Of course, there are some things that need political support", he added.

Willy said a number of political parties had expressed their stance on this discourse, including NasDem Party which stated that they refused. However, Willy suspected that this meeting was held to avoid miscommunication and misinterpretation.

"Instead of replying, it is better to sit down together and this is the right step taken by the President this afternoon by summoning all", he said.

In addition, Jokowi is predicted to gather his supporting coalition parties to discuss the handling of COVID-19 and national economic recovery. "Those two things came from the last dialogue with the President. How there is no uncertainty, but the roles of parties in resolving COVID-19 are important", said Willy.

While regarding the possibility of a reshuffle, he said this usually does not start withholding a joint dialogue. Jokowi, continued Willy, usually conveys directly to the general chairman of the coalition party.

"If the reshuffle, Pak Jokowi, immediately marks the momentum, directly to the general chairman concerned, but dialogue like this is a bit taboo, right. This is more of a shared agenda", he said.

Previously reported, President Jokowi is rumored to be holding a meeting with top political parties supporting the government coalition at the State Palace today. This was confirmed by the Secretary-General of the Nasdem Party, Johnny G Plate.

He said that the coalition party leaders who will attend are the general chairman and secretary-general of the coalition party. However, Johnny did not specify the purpose of the meeting and only referred to this activity as a regular meeting.

"Regular meetings between the President and the leadership of the coalition political parties", said Johnny when confirmed.

For information, the political parties that support Jokowi's coalition in the government are the PDI-P, Golkar Party, Nasdem Party, Gerindra Party, National Awakening Party (PKB), and the United Development Party (PPP).

Meanwhile, those outside the government or not in the cabinet or legislature are the Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo), the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), PKPI, and the Crescent Star Party (PBB), and Hanura.

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