SOLO - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Surakarta City Police has revealed a group of theft cases with a glass breaking mode. The perpetrator was arrested in front of the Mega Store Electronics, Jalan Duwet Karangasem Laweyan, Solo, Central Java.

Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak said the suspect was Hamzah Pasuri. This Lampung resident is strongly suspected of having the brains of the perpetrator.

"He was arrested at his home, Tahunan Village, Umbulharjo District, last August 11 at around 04.00 WIB," said Ade Safri.

Apart from Hamzah, the police also arrested 2 other perpetrators, respectively Nova alias Ompong and Yuda alias Yuli. The task of the two actors is the executor.

"They were arrested by the Sub-Directorate of Crime and Violence (Jatanras) of the Central Java Police, two days after Hamzah's arrest on August 13," added Ade Safri.

The theft took place in front of the Electronic Mega Store, Jalan Duwet No.26 Karangasem, Laweyan Solo on August 2, 2021, at around 15.30 WIB. At that time, the victim went to BCA Veteran Serengan Surakarta to make a transaction.

While the perpetrators are already in the bank, monitoring customers who take money. After making the transaction and leaving the bank, the victim was followed by 2 executors to the Karangasem Mega Store.

When the victim was shopping at the store, the theft of the broken glass mode was carried out. The Rp10 million that was placed in the car disappeared. The victim then reported the case to the authorities.

A series of investigations were carried out by the police until the perpetrator Hamzah was arrested. In the process, Hamzah was shot in the leg for trying to escape. Meanwhile, two other perpetrators were arrested by members of the Central Java Police in Sangkrah, Solo.

"Hamzah Pasuri admitted to being a recidivist in the same case in Purbalingga in 2013 and was detained for two years in prison. Hamzah admitted that apart from Solo, he was also involved in car glass shattering cases in Purworejo, Cilacap, Temanggung and Kendal," said the police chief.

According to the Police Chief, Hamzah Pasuri acted as a target or victim seeker who was then reported by his colleague, as well as supervising when his friend carried out the execution and preparing a tool in the form of spark plug fragments to carry out the action.

The police also confiscated a number of evidences, including one unit of a Yamaha Vixion motorcycle along with a vehicle registration certificate (STNK), IDR 500 thousand in cash, an Identity Card (KTP) in the name of the suspect Hamzah Pasuri, the clothes the perpetrator used during the action, a color Nokia mobile phone. black, a black helmet, and spark plug fragments.

The suspect is charged with the theft article with weighting as referred to in Articles 363 to 4e, 5e of the Criminal Code, concerning the Crime of Theft with Weighted, the maximum penalty is seven years in prison. Two other suspects, namely Nova and Yuda, are still being questioned at the Central Java Regional Police.

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