JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) is proposing an indicative budget ceiling for 2021 of IDR 41.3 trillion based on the Joint Letter of Indicative Ceiling for 2021. This budget will be used for four post-COVID-19 economic recovery programs.
Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said that the amount of this budget ceiling has been greatly reduced. However, his party remains committed to supporting economic recovery and social reform.
"The indicative ceiling size is far below the Ministry of Transportation's 2021 requirement ceiling which was originally Rp 75.7 trillion. However, we are still committed to implementing the work program in 2021," he said, in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 23.
The budget allocation for the four 2021 programs, namely the connectivity infrastructure program amounting to IDR 36.769 trillion, the vocational education and training program amounting to IDR 3.296 trillion, and the management support program amounting to IDR 1.082 trillion. As well as a research and innovation program of science and technology amounting to Rp197 billion.
In addition, Budi explained, the budget will also be used to continue the work program in 2020 which was delayed by refocusing the government budget for controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. As is known, the Ministry of Transportation's budget for 2020 can be saved by IDR 10.4 trillion.
Furthermore, he explained, in 2021 the Ministry of Transportation was entrusted with realizing strategic priority projects, namely, economic infrastructure development such as integrated main port networks namely Kuala Tanjung, Kijing, Tanjung Priok, Makassar, Bitung, and Sorong ports.
The Ministry of Transportation will also prioritize the construction of Terminal A in 18 locations. In addition, in the land transportation sector, there is also a program to organize road and ferry pioneering, subsidizing urban public transport.
"Furthermore, the construction of seven pioneer ferry boats and an increase in the electronic type test registration certification," he said.
Then, said Budi, next year there will be priority programs in the railways and air transportation sectors. For the railroad sector, his party will prioritize the construction of the Makassar-Parepare line, South Sulawesi and build the Bogor-Sukabumi double track, West Java as well as the electrification of the Solo Balapan-Solo Jebres railway line, the construction of the Kulonprogo Airport railway line and the improvement of the railway line in Sumatra. .
Meanwhile, for air transportation, the Ministry of Transportation will build air bridges as many as 37 routes in Papua and continue the government and business entity (PPP) cooperation project with a number of consortiums at Komodo Airport, East Nusa Tenggara with an investment of IDR 1.2 trillion.
"The Ministry of Transportation optimizes the Utilization Cooperation (KSP) / Infrastructure Provision Cooperation (KSPI) scheme to provide professional, competitive services, as well as reduce operational costs from the APBN as well as bring added value," he said.
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