JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab's team of lawyers wrote to several agencies regarding the detention decision issued by the Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta High Court (PT). This is because Rizieq's detention is considered maladministration.
"We have conveyed it to the relevant parties, including the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court Supervisory Body, the Judicial Commission", Aziz Yanuar told reporters, Thursday, August 12.
The decision on detention is considered maladministration because the judge in the trial has the right to decide that the defendant is detained.
However, in this case, it was the Deputy of PT DKI Jakarta who determined the detention. This is considered a team of lawyers deemed to have violated Article 27 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code.
"Especially with the Judicial Commission, we are complaining about maladministration", said Aziz.
Aziz said his party would also write to the National Human Rights Commission. The reason is that the detention decision has taken away Rizieq Shihab's rights.
"Then Komnas HAM because there are human rights violations against Habib Rizieq here. Then House of Representatives Commission III and Commission II", said Aziz.
Not to forget, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo will also receive a letter from Rizeq's legal team. The goal is to make the police leadership concerned with the condition of the former FPI High Priest.
"Then we will also pass it on to the Chief of Police, we ask the Chief of Police to be aware of this", said Aziz.
The DKI Jakarta High Court (PT) issued a decision letter number 1831/Pen.Pid/2021/PT DKI. It contained the decision to continue to detain Rizieq Shihab for the next 30 days.
The extension of the detention period is because Rizieq Shihab still has a case from the UMMI Hospital swab result. Where the case is currently being appealed after Rizieq was sentenced to 4 years in prison.
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