JEMBER - Cases of violence between martial arts schools in Jember Regency, East Java, have occurred again. The police have named three suspects in this case.

Ambulu Police Chief, AKP M Sudariyanto said the conflict was triggered by trivial things from a handful of youths, between the PSHT martial arts college and IKSPI Kera Sakti.

"They only greet each other when they meet on the street. One of them doesn't accept it, and challenges him to a fight, until there is persecution," said Sudariyanto, Thursday, August 12.

The three fighters who were arrested were MRA (21), KRD (18), and MNH (16). All are residents of Pontang Village, Ambulu District. Of the three suspects, MNH is still a student.

"One perpetrator who is still a child, we apply according to the Juvenile Justice Act," he explained.

This incident occurred in the field of Karangtemplek Hamlet, Andongsari Village, Ambulu District, Saturday, August 7 evening.

Initially, the three perpetrators of MRA, KRD, and MNH coincidentally ran into three victims from IKSPI Kera Sakti, namely Y, D and Y residents of Sidodadi, Tempurejo District.

The three fighters from IKSPI Kera Sakti rode a motorcycle together on their way to a food stall.

On the way to the shop, one of the college groups, there were those who knew each other and greeted each other, between MNH and D. However, the greeting turned out to be triggering offence from PSHT fighters.

"They greeted each other on the street, and apparently made three PSHT offended. They then intercepted the victim's return from the shop. Once they met, the three PSHT fighters challenged Kera Sakti fighters to a fight," he explained.

When they met again, the three perpetrators mainly assaulted D. While the other two victims managed to escape. After completing the persecution, the three perpetrators left the victim in the field. Not accepting this treatment, the three victims reported to the Ambulu Police on Sunday, August 8.

The perpetrators were later arrested by the police from their respective homes. The police had offered peace, but the victim asked for law enforcement against the perpetrators.

"We offered mediation, but the victim refused, so we proceed to the legal process with the determination of the suspect," he said.

Perpetrators are subject to Article 170 of the Criminal Code regarding persecution together.

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