JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Fadil Imran, said as many as 4,000 residents of North Petojo, Gambir, Central Jakarta, were found to have not been vaccinated. In fact, the area is located in the Ring 1 area, near the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Indonesia.

Inspector-General of Police Fadil Imran detailed, if the total population of North Petojo is 17 thousand, while those who have been vaccinated so far are 13 thousand, it means that there are still 4,000 people who have not been vaccinated.

"I asked the village head in North Petojo that there are still around 4,000 residents, over time it will probably decrease from 17,000 total residents", said the Police Chief to reporters, Tuesday, August 10.

Inspector General Fadil hopes that of the 4,000 people who have not been vaccinated, they can immediately get vaccinated. However, he did not deny that there were several factors in the residents who had not been vaccinated, including illness, death, recently recovered from COVID-19, or health problems that could not be vaccinated.

Even so, the former East Java Regional Police Chief believes that the target population who has not been vaccinated will immediately get the vaccine. Because in this independent vaccine program, all parties are involved, from elements of RT/RW, Dasawisma, Youth Organizations, Youth Mosques to community leaders.

"This is what we move for independent vaccination, that's the advantage of being vaccinated independently because it involves all parties, and he is at the door of the community's house", he said.

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