JAKARTA - The families of three suspected perpetrators of the beating of health workers at the Kedaton Health Center, Bandarlampung, have submitted a suspension of detention through Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission III, Arteria Dahlan, to investigators from the Bandarlampung Police.

"We have submitted a suspension regarding the three. The perpetrator's family has also apologized to the victim", said Arteria in Bandarlampung, Tuesday.

This PDIP politician will guarantee the three suspects in the suspension of detention. He guaranteed that the three suspects would not commit acts against the law, such as running away, eliminating evidence, and committing the same act.

"I myself guarantee, I guarantee that they will not commit acts against the law", he said.

He explained that the family of the suspect in the case had agreed to continue the case until the trial. Arteria will also ask investigators from the Bandarlampung Police regarding the determination of the articles imposed on the three perpetrators.

"To be honest, we object to the article set by the investigators. But we respect it, and we will test whether this article is appropriate for the three perpetrators or if there is another article," he said.

The thing that makes the article inappropriate for the three perpetrators is because one of the suspects was in the car when the incident occurred.

"One suspect in the name of Didit was in the car at that time. Then he got out because there was a riot, but why did he enter that article. It should just prove whether the two perpetrators were proven by that article. Certainly not Article 170 according to my common sense", he said.

Arteria added that in this case, he would also report back to the parties involved. He will reveal whether there is any false information given in the case.

"I will reveal false statements, we will seriously reveal what is behind this. We also ask the prosecutor's office to place the best prosecutor to help oversee the law enforcement process", he added.

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