BENGKULU - Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu, stated that the balance in the savings account of a suspected fraudulent investment suspect that caused hundreds of customers to be deceived with a value of more than Rp850 million turned out to be only Rp26 million.

"The balance of the savings belonging to the main suspect in the name of YN after we checked was only Rp26 million, it is possible that the funds from this customer were to cover other customers' funds," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Rejang Lebong Police, Commissioner Adjutant Rahmat Hadi Fitrianto, accompanied by the Head of the Tipidter Ipda, Mrs. Sina Alfarobi at the Rejang Lebong Police Headquarters, Friday, August 6th.

The fraudulent investment mode carried out by YN (19) a resident of Curup Sub-district as the main suspect, and VA (20) a resident of Central Curup Sub-district who acted as a customer finder by offering investment slots to potential prey with a minimum value of Rp1 million with a profit interest of 35 percent per 10 days.

The funds collected by the two of them from hundreds of people during these 6 months, he said, were more than Rp850 million. Furthermore, to cover other customer funds that are due so that a hole is dug to cover the hole.

So far, his office is still investigating and developing the investigation into the two suspects' cases, considering that of the 100 victims who have reported more than 80 people.

"There may be other victims who will make similar reports," he said.

Previously, Rejang Lebong Police officers, Thursday, August 5, arrested YN and VA as suspects in a fraudulent investment case that caused hundreds of residents of the area to suffer losses of more than Rp800 million.

The fraudulent investment made by the suspect was via the internet and was not incorporated into any one institution. They offered it to their prospective customers via the WhatsApp messaging application.

As a result of his actions, he was charged with Article 46 Paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 16 and Article 17 of Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning Amendments to Law No. 7/1992 on Banking with a penalty of 15 years in prison.

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