Police Confirm Death Of West Aceh Resident Dahniar As A Result Of Being Killed, His Throat Was Slit

MEULABOH - Police have confirmed that Dahniar (60 years old), a resident of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Housing Complex in Peunaga Paya Village, Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency, was allegedly murdered.

"It's true, it is suspected that the victim was killed", said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP Parmohonan Harahap, in Meulaboh, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 4.

According to AKP Parmohonan Harahap, based on the results of the investigation at the scene, it is suspected that Dahniar was killed by slitting her neck with a sharp weapon so that the victim is suspected to be bleeding.

The victim's body was finally found dead in a stall in front of the victim's house by a boy who had been living with the victim.

Police suspect the victim was killed by slitting her throat by the perpetrator who has not been identified. "We are still investigating this case", he asserted.

Previously, the Meureubo Police Chief, West Aceh, Ipda Vitra Ramadhani, said Dahniar's body was found by a boy who had been living with the victim.

When they found a victim covered in blood, the findings were conveyed to neighbors and then forwarded to village officials, and then contacted the police.

"We are still investigating this case together with West Aceh Police investigators", he said.

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