JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo was told by a number of village heads throughout Klaten Regency about the chaotic distribution of social assistance.

One of the village heads who reported the social assistance was the village head of Tijayan Joko Laksono who looked emotional when he conveyed the chaotic social assistance data in his village.

"The social assistance gives me a headache, I want to vent, sir. I want to be honest, I don't care if Social Minister Tri Rismaharini gets scolded later," he said in Javanese quoted by Antara, Monday, August 2.

Joko explained that the cash social assistance (BST) obtained in his village was not on target because there were several recipient data that had been verified and deleted from recipients who were considered capable, but instead received social assistance again.

"There is a car that has five cars, his name appears, he actually gets it, even though we have crossed it out, the data has been verified. Getting help again, I'm dizzy," he said.

According to him, this creates social jealousy for residents so that his party is also confused because aid cannot be transferred to those who are entitled.

"There is another story from our friend in Cawas. The village head got help, the village secretary got it, that's strange, but they also can't do anything, they can't be taken, they can't be transferred either. Please convey it to Mrs. Risma," he said.

Joko also told the story of one of his colleagues in Nanggulan Village that there should have been 261 residents who received PKH, but 40 people were cancelled.

"In fact, there are many widows, sir. Please activate it. It has been verified and proposed, but in fact it comes out again, there is no improvement," he said.

The chaotic social assistance data regarding double data was also conveyed by the Hamlet Head in Barongan Village named Suyuti.

"We were not involved in data verification, in the end the distribution of aid was not appropriate. Many were 'double-doubled', sir, some had received PKH, but also received BST, there was even one house that received five assistance, sir," said Kadus Suyuti.

The Head of Plawikan Village, Lilik Ratnawati, admitted that she had reported the dual data on social assistance recipients to the data management officer, but so far there has been no improvement.

In response to this, the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, admitted that he received many reports related to BST that were not on target.

"So now I ask directly to the village head, it turns out to be true. Among those who have verified the data, how come it hasn't changed from the center, so we match the data," he said.

Ganjar has also sent a letter directly to the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini and hopes for a response soon.

"I want to ask who all the data on BST recipients from the Ministry of Social Affairs in Central Java are. Well, later we will overlay with the data from the verification conducted last April. In that way, hopefully we can find out which ones are problematic and which are not," he said.

Ganjar also hopes that there will be certainty from the Ministry of Social Affairs regarding this because if there is a wrong aid, then a method must be given, whether it can be transferred by sharing it directly, whether to report it first or must it be returned.

"Yes, although there are some villages that provide assistance to residents who do not receive it with village funds. The term is 'nggo fun-enenengke'. We deliberately communicate this with the village head so that they know what their final position is and they are well prepared," he said.

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