JAKARTA - A scathing satire was conveyed by lecturer and Communication Expert at the University of Indonesia (UI) Ade Armando to the top officials of the Democratic Party. Instead of appearing as intelligent opposition, many statements by high-ranking Democrats have actually blundered and harmed the Democrats.

For example, Democratic General Chair Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) including his wife Annisa Pohan, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono alias Ibas to Andi Arief and Rachland Nashidik. Their statement is more identical as a joke than a suggestion of good advice to the government in the fight against COVID-19.

"Democrats seem to be trying too hard to become the main force of the opposition, but because they are not supported by quality resources, what they are doing looks like a joke," Ade criticized, quoted by VOI from the CokroTV Youtube channel, Sunday, August 1.

The most epic is Ibas' statement that he is worried that Indonesia will become a failed nation due to failing to save the lives of its people. Or AHY who highlighted the decline of Indonesia's position to become a country in the lower-middle-income category, aka a country with lower middle income.

"Raising this issue as an example of the government's failure is, of course, far-fetched. The whole world is experiencing economic difficulties, therefore using this case as a way to maintain the legitimacy of the Jokowi government is seen as a political opportunist attitude that takes advantage of the nation's suffering," explained Ade.

For Annisa Pohan, continued Ade, there were 2 blunders in statements that made Democrat officials rush to provide clarification to the public. The first concerns the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo's plan to dismantle a permanent bicycle lane on Sudirman-Thamrin street.

The bicycle track, which is being worked on by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, has been protested because it is considered a nuisance. For this reason, National Police Chief Sigit stated that he would like to review the existence of the bicycle lane. "Without a second thought, Annisa wrote the tweet, maybe there is a personal interest in wanting to be free to ride a bicycle in the middle of the road at high speed without having to enter the bicycle lane in a queue that has to be queued and further reduce the speed as a result of the management," said Ade Armando.

Annisa's tweet was quickly clarified by the Democrats, calling it just an outpouring of the heart of a cycling sports fan. The second case regarding the misquoting of verses from the Qur'an that tries to legitimize the Democrats is the party that is the victim of slander.

"Her tweet reads that slander is crueler than murder. Unfortunately, Annisa's verse consultant was wrong, the verse that Anisa referred to was actually Al Baqarah 191 while in her tweet she wrote Al Baqarah 291. This is ridiculous because Al-Baqarah actually ends in verse 286," added Ade.

With this series of embarrassing blunders, Ade appealed to the Democrats to use the right communication consultant. At least a public relations expert who is smart in developing a communication strategy.

"Otherwise the image of the Democratic Party will continue to decline and fall apart," said Ade.

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