JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, said that people are now scrambling to get the COVID-19 vaccine even though they didn't believe it at first. This happened after the entry of the Delta variant which was more contagious than the previous variant, namely Alfa.

"People's vaccines are noisy now. In the past, people didn't believe it, now after Delta spread, people are fighting for vaccines. Everywhere there is a fight for vaccines", said Mahfud in the West Java-wide Religious Virtual Gathering which was broadcast on YouTube Istiqomah TV, Sunday, July 25.

Furthermore, Mahfud explained that vaccines are indeed effective in preventing deaths from COVID-19. Moreover, research says 90 percent of deaths from this virus are experienced by those who have not been vaccinated.

However, the vaccine cannot be given completely in the country. Mahfud revealed several reasons, including the lack of vaccinators and distribution.

He even said that he had seen the West Java Province in long queues to get vaccinations. This, said Mahfud, was not due to the unavailability of a COVID-19 vaccine, but because of the lack of vaccinators.

"I've seen a picture of a queue at a place in West Java, people come, queue until they can't be served. It's not that there is no vaccine, it's not impossible. It's still free. But because the queue is too long then it creates a cornered and depressed mental situation as well, increasing disease as well so widespread", he said.

So, Mahfud asked people who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine to maintain health protocols such as wearing masks.

"Because the vaccine has not been evenly distributed, yes, it has not been evenly distributed, so the substitute for the vaccine is a mask. Those who have been vaccinated so they don't get infected must also wear masks, maintain health protocols", he concluded

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