JAKARTA - TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto has instructed all his staff to accelerate the implementation of vaccinations and the distribution of free drug packages from the government for COVID-19 patients undergoing self-isolation (isoman).

"The government asks the TNI to speed up vaccinations, help distribute free drug packages for people who are self-isolating, and manage centralized isolation (isoter)," said the TNI Commander when chairing an Evaluation Meeting on Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic by teleconference, quoted by Antara, Friday. , July 23.

The TNI Commander explained that the existence of centralized isolation is expected to increase the confidence of people who are exposed to COVID-19 while undergoing treatment.

Because centralized isolation has sufficient health facilities, including the readiness of health workers and their health facilities, including the readiness of medicines.

Marshal Hadi also appreciated and thanked him for the hard work and dedication of all the chiefs of staff, commanders, and their ranks as well as all soldiers in the field, who were assigned to carry out the COVID-19 vaccination raid throughout Indonesia.

The meeting which was held by teleconference was also attended by KSAU Marshal of the TNI, Fadjar Prasetyo, in the Yudha room, Raden Suryadi Suryadarma building, Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta.

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