JAKARTA - The Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) policy which has been in effect for two weeks in Java and Bali has narrowed the manufacturing industry's space due to restrictions on the activities of workers.

President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal said the level of COVID-19 sufferers in the factory cluster was above 10 percent and tens of thousands of workers had to self-isolate without drugs and vitamins.

"Due to self-isolation, the factory is closed because factories can't work from home, but can only work in shifts", Said Iqbal said in Jakarta as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 20.

He said that if many factories are closed and workers are self-isolating, the production target will decrease. So, the step taken by the company is to lay off employees by cutting their salaries.

Furthermore, the final step that will be taken by the factory management is the termination of employment if cases of COVID-19 transmission increase and the company's cash flow is disrupted.

"Many company management invites trade union negotiations to prepare for company efficiency by reducing the number of workers or gradual layoffs", said Said.

He further said that workers who are self-isolating need to be given free vitamins and medicines from BPJS Kesehatan so that they can recover quickly and go to work.

In addition, the free vaccination program needs to be accelerated and multiplied by targeting the workers to accelerate herd immunity.

The government is asked to issue a COVID-19 Emergency Minister of Manpower Regulation which regulates rotating work, not work from home, and factories are not allowed to cut labor wages.

"Issues the Covid emergency Minister of Manpower Regulation which regulates rotating work, not WFH (work from home), and there should be no deductions from wages. Thus, the explosion of layoffs can be avoided", concluded Said.

The implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Java and Bali has been in effect from July 3 to July 20, 2021. The discourse of extending the Emergency PPKM until the end of July 2021 was made by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy.

However, until now the government has not officially decided on the policy direction to be taken regarding the validity period of the next Emergency PPKM.

The government is still looking for the right formula so that the policy of limiting activities does no harm society, economy, and culture in Indonesia.

Several economists suggested that the policy should not be extended because it could disrupt national economic stability. Meanwhile, several epidemiologists have suggested that the Emergency PPKM should be extended to reduce the transmission rate of the coronavirus.

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