JAKARTA - Medan city toddler Luqyana Syasya was finally taken by the Medan City Government to the hospital. This little girl has a 'rare' skin disease.

Alhamdulillah, the prayers of Luqyana Syasya's father and mother were answered and they were able to go to the hospital for treatment. The Health Team from the Peduli Berkah Rachman Community, in collaboration with the Medan City Health Office, immediately picked up Luqyana Syasya who was suffering from a skin disease," said Deputy Mayor of Medan Aulia Rachman via Instagram Bungauliarachman, Friday, July 9.

Luqyana Syasya was picked up from her place of residence in neighborhood 4, Pasar 5, Rawe 2 street, Sarino lane, Martubung, Tangkahan District, Medan Labuhan.

This beautiful 5-year-old girl is the daughter of Dedi Irawan and Milsah Hayati, residents of Mandailing Natal. Since the last few years, they have settled in the Medan Labuhan area to treat their child who is suffering from a skin disease.

"Finally, it is the hope that the family gets serious attention from the Medan City Government. Friday afternoon (9/7), Luqyana went to the hospital, to get treatment and medical assistance. Hope the kid gets well soon. God willing, she will be healthy and can play again," said Aulia Rachman.

Story About Luqyana Syasya

Luqyana's father, Dedi Irawan, said that his daughter was born in his village in Mandailing Natal (Madina) Regency. When she was just born, at first the family found a small wound on Luqyana's leg, they thought it was a wound due to childbirth.

"The midwife was given medicine for the wound. But a week later, another wound appeared, it went up (up) to the top. There was a lump that looked like it had been hit by the exhaust, and it kept going up and up again to the head," said Dedi, Tuesday, July 6.

After the incident, Dedi, who works in a factory in Medan, invited his family to move to Medan. Precisely in Tangkahan Village, Martubung, Pasar 5, Rawa 2 street, Sarino lane.

The reason for going to Medan was because Dedi was worried that his daughter's illness was caused by harmful substances from the river. He said when in his village, they lived near a river.

"There was a river behind my father-in-law's house first, we lived at my father-in-law's house first, all the rivers were former mines. If it rains heavily, all the rain flows into the river," explained Dedi.

In addition, Dedi also wants his child to be treated at the maximum in a number of hospitals in Medan. Starting from Adam Malik Hospital to USU Hospital they visited. However, Luqyana's disease is getting worse.

"The whole body has (peeled), the teeth are broken, it's rotten. The nails have all come off. The toenails and hands," said Dedi.

From the doctor's examination, said Dedi, the second child with the disease was due to genetic factors. But he wondered why it couldn't be cured.

"The hospital doctors say it's genetic, but if you go to a skin specialist at Ringroad Street, they say it's auto-immune. But it's the same with genes, just different terms, the same disease," explained Dedi.

After repeated treatments and no change, now Dedi has turned to alternative medicine. Likewise, Luqyana's disease also did not go away.

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