JAKARTA - Median Executive Director, Rico Marbun, released netizens' perceptions of the handling of COVID-19. The results were surprising because 50 percent said the current COVID-19 situation was more severe than last year.

The survey was collected at the end of June before the Imposition of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). "This data was taken at the end of June, maybe if it was taken in early July this number would increase. So 49.7 percent of netizens said that the COVID situation is getting worse now compared to a year ago", Rico said in his presentation via a webinar, Wednesday, July 7th.

If we compare the performance of the central government and provincial and district/city governments, sequentially the highest level of satisfaction is with the provincial government at 37.8 percent, followed by the district/city government at 36.5 percent, and the satisfaction level with the central government being 35.3 percent.

"We look at the numbers, the difference is only 1 to 2 percent, so there really isn't too big a disparity between the level of satisfaction of the provincial and district/city central governments. But if we look at the vulnerable, the figure is still below 50 percent, even only 30 percent. as well as at the central and provincial levels, it is necessary to improve its performance", explained Rico.

In subsequent findings, based on ages ranging from 17 years to 20 years, 30.9 percent were satisfied with the handling of COVID-19, 35 percent were dissatisfied and 34.1 percent were mediocre.

"So the dissatisfaction is relatively evenly distributed across all age strata. And from the education side, netizens who are educated do not finish elementary school until they finish elementary school, the dissatisfaction is relatively high", he said.

Then, the level of discipline in the application of health protocols. Netizens stated that 73.9 percent always wear masks. Uniquely, the older age is more obedient to Prokes than the younger age.

"In terms of age, it appears that the highest level of discipline in wearing masks is in relatively old age. We can see that at the age of 60, 81.3 percent of them always wear masks, then 70 percent of those 51 to 60 years old are among the lowest in the discipline. In the use of masks, it is precisely the 17 to 20-year-old Z generation netizens who always wear masks, the figure is 67.5 percent", said Rico.

Besides that, netizens are also concerned about the discipline of netizens in always washing their hands when leaving the house or returning from outside. From the data, there is approximately 61 percent of those say they always wash their hands after they leave the house. Those who stated that they often wash their hands 23.3 percent sometimes 14.2 percent never 12.1 percent.

"So the level of discipline decreases if those who wear masks are in their 70s, but those who wash their hands are 61 percent lower, even though this procedure should always coincide with 3M's behavior", said Rico.

From the findings, Rico concluded that the younger the level of discipline decreases. Moreover, in the discipline of keeping a distance.

"So if you only wore a mask about 70 percent, then wash your hands 60 percent, keep this distance low again netizens who say that keeping a distance of more than 1 meter from other people and doing activities outside the house is only 53.1 percent. far from 70 to 53 percent", he explained.

"So we can see that the trend is that young people are more undisciplined than those who are older", he said.

Meanwhile, there is only 51.8 percent of netizens claim to be afraid of COVID-19. The details, stating that they are very afraid, are only 17.9 percent, only 33.9 percent are afraid.

"So the total is 51.8 percent. In my opinion, this figure is a bit dangerous, meaning that people who said that COVID-19 was normal at the end of June were around 39.6 percent, then those who said they weren't afraid were 5.6 percent and really didn't. Fear is 3 percent. The figure is balanced between expressing fear and being more or less normal. So this needs to be socialized to our community so that they remain vigilant against COVID-19", said Rico.

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