JAKARTA - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has confirmed that the use of masks and social distancing will be phased out in the UK from 19 July. The public will be asked to use their own considerations regarding the risk of COVID-19.

Quoted from Independent, Boris told a Downing Street news conference on Monday that these restrictions would end, despite concerns from scientists that the government was taking a decision too soon.

“We have to be honest with ourselves that if we can't reopen our society in the next few weeks, when we will be dealing with summer and school holidays, then we have to ask ourselves, when will we be able to return to normal?” said Boris.

He warned that an extension of the lockdown would pose risks and make things more difficult.

However, chief medical adviser Chris Whitty warned the NHS could face a 'very tough' winter, after it was revealed that COVID cases would rise to 50,000 per day over the next two weeks.

Meanwhile, Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer said Boris was too "reckless" to remove the restrictions. He suggested the mask rule should remain in place until the peak of the third wave.

A YouGov poll found that most adults in the UK think masks should be maintained for longer even if other restrictions are lifted.

Earlier on Monday, July 5, Care Minister Helen Whately refused to say that COVID-19 was "under control". He argued that the government did not expect the rise in case rates to lead to a significant increase in hospitalizations due to the success of the vaccine.

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