JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Data and Information Center (Pusdatina) of Central Sulawesi (Sulteng) Province, Moh. Haris Kariming stated that the number of people who were positively exposed to COVID-19 on Monday increased to 13,502 people.

"Today, 50 people have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 based on the results of swab samples, so that a cumulative 13,502 people have been infected with COVID-19," he said in Palu City, reported by Antara, Tuesday, June 29.

He explained that the 50 people were in a number of regencies and cities in Central Sulawesi, including 25 people in Banggai Regency, 11 people in Tolitoli, nine people in Palu City, two people in Poso and Donggala, one person in Sigi.

Meanwhile, 43 COVID-19 patients in Banggai Regency were declared cured today, so that the cumulative number of recovered COVID-19 patients to date is 3,208 people.

A total of 43 people were in a number of areas, including 16 people in Palu City, 15 people in Poso Regency, eight people in Tolitoli, two people in Sigi and Buol.

"Meanwhile, three COVID-19 patients, one each in Tolitoli, Poso, and Donggala regencies, were declared dead today. Cumulatively, the total number of COVID-19 patients who died currently amounted to 398 people," he said. Haris explained, as many as 408 COVID-19 patients are still undergoing self-quarantine or at health service centers owned by the local government.

"Furthermore, 472 COVID-19 swab samples are still being examined," he added.

Haris hopes that the results of the examination of 396 swab samples are negative so that there will be no explosion of COVID-19 cases in Central Sulawesi.

Therefore, he appealed to the public to obey and be disciplined in implementing health protocols, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, and staying away from crowds so as not to be exposed.

"This step is very important to break the chain of spread and transmission of COVID-19 in Central Sulawesi," he said.

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