JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the House of Representatives, Arsul Sani, considered it reasonable to criticize the Student Executive Board of the University of Indonesia in the form of memes against President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) which went viral on social media. They previously uploaded a photo of Jokowi "The King of Lip Service".

According to Arsul, who is also the Deputy Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly, the upload was not an attack on the dignity of the head of state. So no need to exaggerate.

"This is not an attack on the dignity and honor or insult and blasphemy against President Jokowi", said Arsul, Monday, June 28.

It is known that the Student Executive Board of the University of Indonesia management was summoned the Rector for the incident. The Chairman of the House of Representatives of the PPP faction considered the summons unnecessary if there were no threats to the students.

"As long as it is not accompanied by threats of sanctions related to academic status, there should also be no need to develop a narrative that University of Indonesia limits or restricts freedom of expression", explained Arsul.

Meanwhile, the Head of Student Executive Board of the University of Indonesia, Leon Alvinda Putra, said the upload was a criticism of President Joko Widodo.

They think that the president often makes statements that contradict the reality on the ground.

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