JAKARTA - The Regent of Tabanan, Bali I Komang Gede Sanjaya stated that his party will prepare sanctions for the target recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine who do not follow or refuse the COVID-19 vaccination. This is in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 99 of 2020.
"This is in accordance with the Circular which refers to Presidential Regulation Number 99 of 2020 concerning Vaccine Procurement and Implementation of COVID-19 Vaccination Article 13 A paragraph 4 that the target of COVID-19 vaccine recipients who do not follow the vaccination may be subject to sanctions", he said in Tabanan, Thursday.
After carrying out the prayers for a series of release ceremonies at the Tabanan Regent's RJ which coincided with Purnamaning Sasih Kasa, Rahina Wraspati Umanis Uku Matal (24/6), the Regent quoted data from the Tabanan District Health Office.
"From the target population of Tabanan who meet vaccination standards as much as 70 percent of the 461.630 population, so around 323.141 residents and until today the vaccination has reached 65.64 percent or has been realized in around 213.000 residents of Tabanan Regency", he said.
Therefore, the Regent of Tabanan appealed to all ranks to accelerate the implementation of vaccinations for all elements of the Tabanan community and gave an appeal to participate in vaccinations, both regular and mass that have been determined by the government.
According to the Regent Sanjaya, the success of this vaccination is very important to do in order to revive the economy, especially in Tabanan and generally in Bali, so it is in accordance with the appeal of the Governor of Bali to Regents/Mayors throughout Bali to make a circular letter in accordance with Presidential Regulation No. 14 of 2021.
"Everyone who does not follow the COVID-19 vaccine for their own reasons without a recommendation from the local health officer implementing the vaccination will be subject to sanctions according to the presidential regulation in a circular letter. The first sanction is to postpone or stop the provision of social security or social assistance and others. Second, postponement or cessation of government administrative services", said Sanjaya.
To the sub-district heads and village heads and customary village heads throughout Tabanan Regency, the Regent hopes that they will disseminate or socialize the above appeal to the entire Tabanan community and be carried out properly and obediently, for the sake of mutual security towards the revival of the Tabanan economy.
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