JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of DKI Jakarta Province issued a joint call for holding the Rawatib (must-do) and Friday prayers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The General Chair of the DKI Jakarta MUI, Munahar Muchtar, said that his party called on all administrators of mosques or musholas (small prayer room), ulama, and preachers to replace Friday prayers with Zuhur prayers at their respective homes.

"It is hereby emphasized to all administrators or congregants of mosques or prayer rooms, scholars and preachers throughout DKI Jakarta to replace Friday prayers with Zuhur prayers at their respective homes", said Munahar in his statement, Wednesday, June 23.

In addition, the Rawatib prayer is also recommended to be done at home. This provision applies from June 22 to July 5, 2021, or until further notice.

Munahar explained, this call was made in response to the surge in COVID-19 cases that occurred in Indonesia, especially DKI Jakarta over the past few weeks.

"This call was made by observing the development of the spread of COVID-19 cases, which recently experienced a drastic and very worrying spike so that DKI Jakarta was declared a red zone", he said.

Then, Munahar sees the need for comprehensive preventive measures to break the chain of transmission, one of which is through eliminating crowds.

Furthermore, Munahar also asked the administrators of the mosque or prayer room to use loudspeakers to remind residents of the dangers of COVID-19 and to avoid gatherings in the home environment for the time being.

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