GORONTALO - The government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is building flats for health workers (Nakes) in North Gorontalo. The construction of flats by the ministry led by Basuki Hadimuljono is an effort to support medical workers in carrying out their duties to maintain public health.

"Flats for medical personnel are also needed considering they work tirelessly to keep the community healthy and avoid COVID-19. We want medical personnel to be able to live comfortably so that their health is also well maintained", said the Director-General of Housing at the Ministry of PUPR, Khalawi Abdul Hamid in a press release in Jakarta reported by Antara, Wednesday, June 23.

The construction of paramedical staff flats will be carried out by the Gorontalo Province Housing Provision Work Unit (Satker) for the Sulawesi Housing Provision Implementation Center I.

Head of the Gorontalo Provincial Housing Provision Satker, Alwi Mahdali, stated that the flat is located in North Gorontalo Regency and is intended for paramedics who work at the Dr. Zainal Umar Sidiki Hospital, North Gorontalo.

"The construction of the paramedic flats is worth IDR 17.9 billion. The contractor is PT Tata Guna Pratama and the consultant is PT Bermuda Consultant. The construction of the flats starts from April 29, 2021, and is targeted for completion in December 2021 within 240 working days", he explained.

The flats are built on 1.3 hectares of land with a borfile under construction with a diameter of 80 cm and a depth of up to 9 meters. The flats are built as high as three floors with 40 residential units of type 36 and are equipped with standard state-building facilities as well as supporting PSU assistance in the landscape page of the flats.

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), Rachmad Gobel, stated that the construction of public facilities including housing for medical personnel in this area is one of the hopes that government investment is in line with regional economic growth.

"The construction of the flats is a good collaboration between the central government, regional governments, and the Regional Representative Council (DPRD)", he said.

He also wants the local government to participate in supervising the process of building this flat and various other government assistance programs so that the results are as expected.

Meanwhile, the Regent of North Gorontalo, Indra Yasin, conveyed that the need for temporary housing for medical personnel on duty at Dr. Zainal Umar Sidiki Hospital is still not optimal because there is 287 medical personnel.

Indra Yasin revealed that around 50 percent of the paramedics currently still live outside North Gorontalo, thus becoming an obstacle to medical services for the community.

"We would like to thank all parties who have helped, especially the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, which has provided assistance in the form of building flats for medical personnel", he said.

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