JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Risa Patria is reviewing the plan to increase vehicle parking rates in the capital city. The plan, parking rates will increase to Rp60 thousand per hour.

"It will be delivered at a later time. It is still in the process of drafting, it is still being studied," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, June 22.

Riza sees, like it or not, parking rates will continue to increase over time. This is in line with the increase in income.

"Parking rates continue to increase worldwide in line with income and ability," he said.

In addition, the increase in motor vehicle parking rates also aims to reduce the use of private vehicles. If parking rates are high, people will switch to using public transportation.

"One of them we are trying to get people to move to public transportation. Reducing congestion is not only one source, not only through parking, but there are also many others. But it is very related, integrated with each other," he explained.

Separately, the Head of the DKI Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, admitted that his party was implementing a trial of increasing parking rates as a study.

There are three selected trial locations for increasing parking rates, namely locations that pass through the main corridor of public transportation services. The locations are the parking lot of the Indonesian Restaurant and Garden Association (IRTI), the Samsat parking lot, and Blok M Square.

"With this trial, the prove-of-concept principle is part of Jakarta's grand plan to provide services with the principle of justice for all mobile citizens," said Syafrin in a virtual discussion.

In the plan to change the rules for parking rates for cars and motorbikes in Jakarta, the corridor for the parking control area (KPP) class A for cars is proposed for Rp5,000-Rp60,000 per hour. Then, for group B starting from Rp5,000-Rp40,000 per hour.

Meanwhile, for motorcycles at KPP class A, Rp2,000-Rp18,000 per hour is proposed, and for class B Rp2,000-Rp12,000 per hour.

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