JAKARTA - Two commissions in the Indonesian House of Representatives, namely Commission I and Commission VIII, did a lockdown by canceling the physical meeting agenda because several members and employees were exposed to the COVID-19 virus. This pending meeting will later be turned into a virtual meeting.

Responding to the issue of lockdown in the Parliament, the Secretary-General of the Indonesian Parliament, Indra Iskandar, confirmed that there were a number of commissions that postponed the implementation of work meetings and hearings with ministries/agencies.

Along with the increase in positive cases of COVID-19, especially in the parliament. However, he denied that the House of Representatives (DPR) did a lockdown by not doing any activities at all.

"I didn't use the issue of lockdown, what some commissions did was only postpone the meeting, because there are members, civil servants (ASN), cleaning services, and Pamdal who are reactive and positive for COVID-19. So actually from the DPR leadership's decision, we don't use the term lockdown but there is a postponement of meetings", said Indra told reporters, Thursday, June 17.

Indra explained that today there are still meetings as well as the day ahead. Although the implementation of health protocols will certainly be tightened.

"Indeed, today it will be decided by the leadership of the DPR later in the Deliberation Board (Bamus) there will be restrictions. One of the discourses that will be conveyed is, of course, for example, whether in the future only AKD leaders will attend, and the rest will be through virtual", explained Indra.

Although there are a number of members and employees who have been exposed to COVID-19, Indra said that it does not necessarily stop the activities of the council. Because there are still constitutional tasks that must be completed during this trial.

"So it is like that and indeed there are certain times that must be decided in the plenary because it involves matters that must be resolved on the agenda of the commissions", said Indra.

As for the arrangements in the future, the DPR will tighten meetings or sessions to ensure that everything is in accordance with the health protocols.

"Well, if you know that now, the gates to enter the DPR will be tightened and it will be uncomfortable. But we will tighten it for our health and safety", said Indra

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