GORONTALO - Residents of Gorontalo complained to the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of North Gorontalo (Gorut), Ridwan Yasin, to the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD). This complaint relates to alleged outstanding debts and receivables.

"We have come to the DPRD to complain about this issue, because there is no good intention from the Regional Secretary Ridwan Yasin to settle his debt of Rp150 million," said Rahmat Mohammad, a resident of Gorontalo Regency, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 16.

Rahmat admitted that he deliberately came to the DPRD hoping that the debt problem involving his brother as a lender to the Regional Secretary, Ridwan Yasin, could be helped to resolve.

"This is our concrete step to complain to the DPRD as people's representatives who have integrity so that they can help resolve this case. Because the loan is for the sake of regional government activities," he said.

His party has also filed a complaint with the police, including sending a complaint to the Governor of Gorontalo.

"We hope that the DPRD can mediate to resolve this issue, considering the interest in the loan, the person concerned has sent a spokesman for the Regent of North Gorontalo, named RA alias Roy, on the grounds that the money was borrowed for the benefit of local government activities," continued Rahmat.

However, North Gorontalo Secretary Ridwan Yasin said the contents of the complaint were hoaxes.

"I do not feel involved in the matter. So I call it a hoax," he asserted.

Ridwan admitted that he was not related to the borrowing of the money. "If there is a name that is mentioned other than me, and it is called the person who was ordered, please contact the person concerned," he said.

Ridwan also confirmed that the Gorontalo Police had summoned him. However, he refused to comply because he felt unrelated to the issue.

Regarding the complaint to the DPRD, the North Gorontalo Regional Secretary asked the council not to believe in hoaxes.

"Don't believe in the hoax, because I will complain. This is a state of law. Personally and in my position, I feel that I have never borrowed money," added the Regional Secretary.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of DPRD I Roni Imran said that his party was responding to this complaint as a form of aspiration which would be followed up institutionally.

Moreover, the DPRD temporarily held a meeting to investigate the right of inquiry related to local governance. So when receiving information that the Regional Secretary borrowed money for the benefit of the regional government, of course, the DPRD as part of the regional government will participate in finding solutions.

As the organizer of the regional government, the DPRD will seriously on behalf of the regional government explore this issue.

"On behalf of the inquiry rights committee, members of the special committee, and this honorable institution, I thank the people who have come to complain. This will be investigated as the case is currently being investigated through the questionnaire mechanism," he said.

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