JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed five hopes for university graduates. One of them is dedicated to the development of the nation and state and this is non-negotiable.

"Our graduates must be very strong in their dedication to the progress of the nation, also to humanity, as well as to tolerance for diversity. That is a character that cannot be negotiated", said Jokowi during the Merdeka Campus Festival talk show broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube channel, Tuesday, June 15.

Jokowi said that university graduates in the country must have the character and ability to become strong learners.

That is, they are asked to always learn new things because this is important in the midst of a time that continues to change rapidly and is full of disruption.

"Without continuous learning, our graduates will be left behind by the development of science and technology, which is developing very rapidly", he said.

Third, Jokowi asked graduates to have the ability to innovate and be able to solve social problems in society.

Thus, graduates are not only academically capable but can contribute to solving social problems through the use of technology through innovation as well as entrepreneurship.

Fourth hope, Jokowi asks university graduates in the country to always master the latest science and technology, including those that have not been mastered by their home campus but have been used in industry. So, he considered, the involvement of the industrial world in higher education is very important.

"Fifth, our graduates should not only be ready to work but also be able to create jobs", he said.

"This is the importance of entrepreneurship education as well as intensive interaction with the industrial world which is an important key for innovative works for our graduates", concluded Jokowi.

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