JAKARTA - Two arsonists in Bukit Kemiri, Tompoladang, Padaelo Village, Mallawa District, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi, have been arrested by the local police team.

"Yes, that's right, he has been arrested. Now the South Sulawesi Police are processing it," said the Head of the Maros Police, AKBP Musa Tampubolon, when confirmed by reporters, reported by Antara, Tuesday, June 15.

The arrests of the perpetrators after the sketches of the victim's images were distributed, were then followed up by the Maros Police Criminal Investigation Team and the South Sulawesi Police Team to uncover the alleged murder of the victim.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Maros Police AKP Nico Ericson Reinnold confirmed the arrest. In addition, the identity of the victim is known to be Rian, 20 years old who is a resident of Gowa. The family also admitted that the burnt body was a member of his family.

To confirm his identity, DNA samples from the family have been taken to match the victim's DNA which was previously taken by the South Sulawesi Police Labfor Team. It is suspected that the victim was killed first, then burned, because serious injuries were found on the victim's body.

"This case is still being investigated. The perpetrator has been taken by the South Sulawesi Regional Police for further development. It is suspected that the perpetrator burned the victim's body to eliminate traces," said Nico.

It was confirmed separately, the Head of Public Relations of the South Sulawesi Police, Kombes Pol. E. Zulpan, said that the South Sulawesi Police Resmob Team confirmed that it had secured two people suspected of being involved in the case of burning bodies in Maros Regency, South Sulawesi.

From the investigator's analysis, after securing the two suspected perpetrators, in the case of a burnt corpse. They executed their victims at several crime scenes (TKP) and it was even suspected that a syndicate was involved in the sale of minors.

"The South Sulawesi Police Resmob team is still working. Hopefully in the near future the police can uncover the modus operandi of this case," he explained.

Previously, the burned body was found by a truck driver named Dudi when he passed the scene on Friday, June 11, 2021, in the early hours of the morning. At the beginning of the incident, they only saw that there was a fire on the side of the road, and thought it was just a pile of burning garbage.

When he crossed the road, he saw something odd. After being examined, it turned out that the bodies of the people were on fire, then reported the matter to local residents, then reported them and followed up by the local police.

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