TANGERANG - Tangerang Regency COVID-19 Handling and Overcoming Task Force, Banten, stated that the availability of special isolation rooms for positive patients had exceeded capacity or was overloaded, due to an increase in new cases.

"Currently, the isolation area at the Yasmin Hotel, Curug District, Tangerang Regency is full due to the continuous increase in new positive cases of COVID-19", said Tangerang Regency COVID-19 Task Force Spokesperson, Hendra Tarmizi, quoted by Antara, Monday, June 14.

He revealed, based on the latest data, the number of patients isolated at the Yasmin Hotel has reached 112 percent or exceeds the capacity of the available room, which is as many as 247 beds.

"It's been two weeks since the increase has continued. Now it has been filled with 270 people from the 247 capacity, maybe later we will have additional rooms", he said.

According to Hendra, the condition of the availability of a full isolation room has even exceeded the existing capacity. So it will only prioritize patients who need special assistance for isolation.

"If you are a patient with asymptomatic people (OTG) they will be self-isolating because, from the Tangerang Regency Secretary, Maesyal Rasyid himself has ordered the Camat and Lurah to prepare isolation rooms in each region", he said.

Meanwhile, the Health Service Coordinator of the Tangerang Regency COVID-19 Quarantine Hotel Health Services, Muchlis said that with the current condition, active cases of the spread of the coronavirus in the Tangerang Regency area continued to increase. For the time being, his party does not accept patients who wish to isolate themselves.

It's just that the addition of the bedroom will be added. However, specifically for family clusters.

"The additional room is only for patients from the family cluster. But this morning we had a meeting about the availability of full facilities until it was finally decided if the red zone was asked to provide isolation facilities for OTG", he said.

According to him, based on the latest data, the cumulative number of positive COVID-19 cases in Tangerang Regency currently reaches 11305 people, while the number of patients undergoing treatment is 81 people, isolated patients are 298 people, recovered patients are 10678 people and the number of cases of patients died is 248 people.

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