JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab's lawyer, Aziz Yanuar said that his client did not mean to offend anyone in his defense memorandum or plea.

The statement was made in response to the public prosecutor's (JPU) replica who said that Rizieq often used harsh words.

"Then about harsh words and also not pleasing to them, they have no intention to offend anyone. However, if anyone is offended by his words, it is their own business," Aziz told reporters on Monday, June 14

Aziz also said that his client's use of harsh words might be due to his frustration at being dragged into a criminal case in a health protocol violation (prokes) case. In fact, the case should not be a criminal case.

"We must also understand his psychology, which is very eager to emphasize with enthusiasm and finally tends (according to) some parties may tend to be rude," said Aziz.

But apart from that, Aziz believes that Rizieq Shihab is a kind person. But at that time his client just wanted to confirm the case that ensnared him in the plea.

"But actually it's not like that. He is very good, but something must be placed in proportion. The hard one must also think about hardening it in good ways, of course," he said.

Then about Rizieq Shihab's assumption as a high priest, said Aziz, it was just a name given by the community. According to him, everyone's right if they object to the designation.

"We have never forced anyone to assume that Habib Rizieq, the high priest, has never been. That is the claim of millions of Indonesians as far as I know. At the time of the 212 action, I know that until now. he.

Previously reported, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) highlighted some of Rizieq Shihab's statements contained in the memorandum of defense or plea for the swab test case at the UMMI Hospital. This is because Rizieq often uses harsh words that are inappropriate to be expressed in court.

Rizieq's words, which were considered harsh, were for example accusing the prosecutor of being seditious, deceitful or underhanded, cunning, and without shame. Those words were considered as an insult to the prosecutor.

"There is no shame, disgust, deceit and cunning as 40, 42, 43 46, 108, 112. It is customary to lie, stubborn, stubborn evil maneuvers, which demon is possessed, very evil and disturbing, as in pleas," said the prosecutor.

In addition, the prosecutor also referred to Rizieq's statement that the prosecutor was only used as a tool for the oligarchs as a baseless accusation so that the statement was inappropriate.

Moreover, Rizieq Shihab's social status, who is referred to as the High Priest, should be an example of good attitude and speech.

"Without a filter, sentences like this were uttered by the defendant and should not have been said which claimed to have kulkarimah character, but the defendant easily used harsh words as above," said the prosecutor.

"It turns out that what is being touted as the high priest is just a figment," continued the prosecutor.

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