JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said COVID-19 is a smart virus that attacks when you are careless, so you must continue to focus on implementing strict health protocols. one thing that must continue to be done, namely with the discipline of wearing masks and keeping a distance.

"If everyone is disciplined to wear masks, God willing, they will be selected. Discipline issues are related to boredom, fatigue, but don't stop, especially since COVID-19 is a smart virus," he said, as quoted by Antara, Friday, June 11.

Regarding the increase in cases in a number of areas, such as Central Java and East Java, Muhadjir admitted that anticipation and action had been taken by the COVID-19 Task Force team, such as the Central Java area, handling was centered in Kudus and East Java focused on Bangkalan, Madura. Call me, handling in Kudus and Bangkalan," he said. Seeing this increase, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture reminded not to be arrogant and to take it lightly if the area is already in a safe condition. "I ask all people, including in South Sulawesi to be aware, we are not safe. So "Don't feel like you've overcome it, because you might initially enter a safe area, then change," he said.

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