JAKARTA - Russian authorities plan to use artificial intelligence technology to analyze the epidemiological situation related to the construction of a sanitary shield.

Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Anna Popova said artificial intelligence was used to create systems for epidemiological analysis.

"When carrying out the project (creating a sanitation shield in the country), an approach to monitoring and analyzing the sanitation situation, an information system for analyzing the epidemiological situation based on artificial intelligence was adopted", she said before the Russian Parliament as reported by TASS Thursday, June 3.

Overall, according to her, the sanitary shield will have four main areas of operation, related to the current pandemic situation.

"We included four interrelated areas in the Sanitary Shield project that will ensure: first, effective warning, second, early detection, third, rapid response to emerging challenges, and fourth, close and effective control of all environmental objects and factors", she explained.

anna popova
Anna Popova. (Wikimedia Commons/Kremlin.ru/Пресс-служба езидента Российской едерации)

Popova herself said Russia's level of preparedness for epidemiological threats was one of the best in the world, it needed to be increased against new pandemic threats.

“Russia's level of preparedness for an 'epidemic shock' is apparently one of the highest in the world. This achievement should not be wasted, it needs to be boosted, considering the level of health threats in the modern connected world continues to increase. And future pandemics, unfortunately, are inevitable".

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his annual address to Parliament, Russia must have a strong and reliable shield in the field of sanitary and biological security, which will use as much Russian equipment and components as possible.

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