SURABAYA - For all residents of the City of Surabaya, try to come to the Kelurahan or Kecamatan office. Check whether you are deemed worthy of receiving assistance related to the COVID-19 pandemic from the government.
This method was chosen by the Surabaya City Government as a form of accountability and openness of public information and publication of data on the list of beneficiaries. This data can be seen by the public through announcement boards at the sub-district and sub-district offices. Deputy Public Relations Coordinator of the Surabaya City COVID-19 Task Force, M Fikser said, this method is to find out who and what category of assistance each citizen receives.
As we know, currently the central government, provincial to city level, are 'distributing' aid to ease the burden on the community due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So the assistance received by the community can vary. That's why the municipal government verifies the data by name and by address so that the recipients of the aid do not double.
"The assistance is so that the recipient does not double, so it is arranged. Because, there is assistance for MBR (Low-Income Communities), some for affected residents," explained M Fikser in Surabaya, Thursday, May 7.
If you haven't received it but feel the impact of this pandemic, immediately report it to the local RW so that it is included in the affected application. If the RW finds it difficult, they can go directly to the urban village for help with input.
"Here we involve the community to check the data, so that the management with the community knows who deserves to receive assistance. The goal is that in the future there will be no more assistance that is not on target," he explained.
The beneficiaries of the Covid-19 affected category with MBR are different. The MBR category aid recipients have previously gone through a check or survey process consisting of special variables. The variables for MBR assistance are fairly strict because there are special indicators that are used as benchmarks.
Social assistance 'flood' in DKI![](
In DKI Jakarta, social assistance is a problem. There are many people who receive more than one aid. Social Minister Juliari P Batubara even found residents who received excess assistance. That is, they get assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs and also from the DKI Provincial Government.
"The governor of DKI asks the central government for assistance to cover families that cannot be covered by DKI. What does this mean? They do not serve or do not provide the same data between recipients of DKI's basic food assistance and the Ministry of Social's staples," said Juliari.
"But what happened in the field, it turns out that the data is exactly the same. We met this not at one or two points, but at a dozen points. I myself have dialogues with RT, RW in the field, and residents," he added.
This out of sync with the data even angered the Coordinating Minister for PMK Muhadjir Effendy, who admitted to having a dispute with the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan. It's not just a matter of data. The central government is also confused about the DKI Provincial Government's budget, which is said to cover social assistance for 1.1 million people.
"For example, we and DKI are currently having a tug of war, meaning that I matched the data even yesterday I was with the Governor, I kind of rebuked the Governor, because yesterday the cabinet meeting was limited, he presented the new data on poverty in Jakarta, which was around 3.6 million. he said he would be able to handle the 1.1 then the rest asked to be handled by the central government, "said Muhadjir.
"We got a report from the Coordinating Minister for PMK, it turns out that DKI, which previously covered 1.1 million citizens, they have no budget and asked Pempus to cover 1.1 million," said Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, Wednesday, May 6.
"So previously 1.1 million were DKI and the remaining 3.6 million were central government, now all of them are asked for cover by the central government," continued the minister who is familiarly called Mba Ani.
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