JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was present at the Regional Coordination Meeting (Rakorwil), DPW of the DKI Jakarta Nasdem Party at Aston Kartika Grogol Hotel, West Jakarta.

Accompanied by DKI Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria, Anies received a warm welcome from the Secretary General of the Nasdem Party, Jhonny G. Plate, the organizers and participants of the Regional Coordination Meeting. This was evident from the lively applause when Anies made his remarks.

In his remarks, the former Minister of Education and Culture was confident that Nasdem was ready to face the 2024 General Election.

"It is really an honor to be present at the Regional Coordination Meeting. From the arrangement, it can be seen that NasDem is already organized and ready to welcome (the 2024 election victory)," said Anies at the location, Saturday, May 29.

Anies considers the readiness of the Regional Coordination Meeting held by the DKI Nasdem Party to realize Nasdem's goals in the next political contest.

"We have seen the good and neat organization of the Regional Coordination Meeting. Hopefully this is a marker, which God willing, in the field will produce what is expected, even exceed the target," said Anies.

Then, Anies boasted seven members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the Nasdem Faction. In front of the cadres, Anies said that the NasDem faction was an extraordinary partner.

"I have several times with Bung Wibi (Head of the Jakarta Nasdem Party Faction) to go to the field and experience extraordinary direct interactions with the community. This is extraordinary," he said.

The DKI Nasdem Party Regional Coordination Meeting for DPW was held for two days, Saturday and Sunday, 29-30 May 2021, at Aston Kartika Grogol Hotel, West Jakarta.

Not only in DKI Jakarta, the Regional Coordination Meeting for the Party, which was commanded by Surya Paloh, was also held in 34 provinces in Indonesia.

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