JAKARTA - Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono said that his party had made an assessment of the control of COVID-19 cases for each province in Indonesia.

The value of the quality of pandemic control ranges from A, which is the best, to E, with the worst assessment.

"In controlling pandemic cases, we make it a matrix and a capacity level. This capacity level is carried out to assess the quality of pandemic services", said Dante in a joint working meeting with Commission IX of the House of Representatives (DPR), Thursday, May 27.

An assessment of the level of transmission rate is made by indicators of the number of cases, the presence of imported cases, the emergence of case clusters, and the transmission of cases on a community scale.

Then, this assessment is combined with the level of response capacity of the provincial government in handling cases, namely testing, tracing, and treatment.

As a result, DKI Jakarta is the only province that gets an E in handling a pandemic.

"We see that there are still many who are still in control, except for Jakarta. Jakarta has a capacity of E because the BOR (filling of the bed) has started to increase and the tracing cases are not too good", said Dante.

Meanwhile, all provinces on the island of Kalimantan have a D, all provinces in Sulawesi have a C, in Java, except for Jakarta, have a D, almost all provinces on the island of Sumatra have a D, Bali is D, NTB is D, NTT is C, Maluku and North Maluku with a C value, West Papua a D value, and Papua C.

"Based on the recommendations we made earlier in the matrix, there are several regions that have entered D category and E category, such as Jakarta. But some are still in C, meaning that the BOR is not too (filled) and provincial control is still good", he explained.

On average, said Dante, the BOR in all provinces in Indonesia so far still has a limited capacity response.

"The BOR continues to be closely monitored, we hold continuous meetings with vertical and non-vertical hospitals to get specific data", he concluded.

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