JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, stated that his party consistently supports the implementation of phase III clinical trials for the Nusantara vaccine.

"We at the House of Representatives (DPR RI) are in a consistent position in encouraging and fully supporting the vaccines made and developed by the nation's children", said Dasco, Thursday, May 27.

He emphasized that the development of the Nusantara vaccine as a domestically made vaccine must be fully supported, considering that vaccines from outside are still difficult to enter Indonesia. Not to mention the embargo from vaccine-producing countries.

"We have to support the existing vaccines. With the existence of the Nusantara vaccine, it will increase the wealth of domestic vaccines so that it can then help the government reduce the rate of COVID19 in our country. This does not need to be debated", said Dasco, who is also the Coordinator of the DPR RI's COVID-19 Task Force.

The Chief Executive of the Gerindra Party Central Executive Board (DPP) admitted that he had high hopes for the Nusantara vaccine to be useful for Indonesia.

"That the development of this Nusantara vaccine is going well and is effective in suppressing the spread of the virus. This Nusantara vaccine is a real contribution from our poeple for society and the world in fighting COVID-19", said Sufmi Dasco.

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