JAKARTA - Member of the PDIP Faction DPRD DKI Ima Mahdia dismantled one of the contents of a WhatsApp message group with the name "Guru Se DKI Jakarta G4". There's one teacher who's spreading hoaxes about Palestine and the President.

"1935 Certificate of Entry Permit from the Palestinian Authority for Simon Perez as a Cleaning Service. Decades later, he became Prime Minister of Israhell (Israel) and persecuted and massacred the Palestinians. Similar to China entering Indonesia, unskilled labor has lived in Indonesia for years to become president", wrote the contents of the message.

Ima said that this message he found in the upload of screenshots spread on social media Twitter. Ima immediately confirmed this to the Head of The Education Office of DKI Nahdiana.

"I immediately asked Mrs. Head of Education Office. I told you if this is the teacher who did. She said she was a teacher. So, after checking it turned out to be a primary school teacher in South Jakarta", said Ima when contacted, Monday, May 24.

The DKI Education Office said the teacher had delivered an apology along with the signature on the stamp. But, Ima then asked Nahdiana to sanction the civil servant teacher.

Because sanctions can cause a deterrent effect and prevent the spread of other false news.

"A teacher can spread hoaxes. We are also concerned and concerned about the events in Palestine. But it is not justified that we spread hoaxes", she said.

"This must have a deterrent effect so as not to cause other hoaxes. Moreover, she is an educator who will be exemplified by the students. If the spread of hoax continues to be more and more untrue we have a generation of nations", added Ima.


Separately, the Public Relations Office of DKI, Taga Radja Gah, said the teacher who spread the hoax news has been called by the Civil Servant Work Performance Assessment (PPK) team.

The teacher admitted her actions were wrong and regretted them. Although, her defense only forwarded the information she obtained and there was no intention of insulting the President.

'It turns out that she regrets very well that it's not true. She has no intention of insulting the President. Second, it's not his writing, but she's just sharing it. In essence, he did it improperly and admitted it was inappropriate", Taga explained.

Regarding sanctions, Taga said it is being processed. "For the sanctions to be processed again, which is clear that coaching is certain, will be called related services", he added.

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