JAKARTA - German public health agencies say the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland are the places where new variants of COVID-19 cases are found. The findings require anyone coming from the UK to undergo a two-week quarantine from the moment of arrival.

In the UK, cases of the COVID-19 variant that first appeared in India continue to rise. "We want to play it safe," said a source in German government circles. "In this important stage of vaccination movement, the influx of problematic mutations should be avoided as far as possible."

The classification concerns England and Northern Ireland, which will come into force on Sunday night 23 May. This also applies to quarantine rules also applied to complete vaccine recipients and those who have recovered from COVID-19.

Earlier, German Health Minister Jens Spahn said that a third wave of COVID-19 infections in Germany "seems to be coming to a halt," but government officials remain cautious.

"If we want to continue to suppress infection rates, then we need to prevent the transmission of these positive development-threatening virus variants," a Health Ministry spokesman said.

"This move is tough for the UK, but it is necessary to prevent the rapid spread of Indian variants in Germany," he said. He added that only when more vaccine recipients were weapons were provided against such threats.

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